Persons Served

Persons requiring assistance in developing or strengthening their employment behaviors. Job Readiness Training Informational Flyer​​

Program Goal

Job Readiness Training (JRT) is available to individuals who have never worked before, have had sporadic work histories, have not worked in a long time, or have behavioral/attitude issues that need to be addressed to obtain and maintain employment. This program is designed to improve work-related behaviors and enhance interpersonal skills.

Program Features

​​Structured job readiness tasks designed to develop basic work habits, skills, and attitudes necessary for vocational training or employment that focus on the following:​

Attendance and Punctuality
Accepting Constructive Criticism
Work Quality
Work Quantity
Supervisor Relations
Co-Worker Relations
Job Tolerance
Flexibility in Job Assignments
Following Work Rules and Regulations
Following Instructions
Appropriate Dress and Personal Hygiene
Decision-making Skills

Students will participate in classroom instruction on various soft skills, the WIN Learning courseware, academic remediation, and a variety of basic work activities.  All of this will be used to instruct and assess the students’ abilities to be work ready and mastery of soft skills.  Via the WIN Learning courseware, students will have the opportunity to earn the Workplace Essential Skills Certificate (WESC) and the Kentucky Career Readiness Certificate (KCRC).

Curriculum Options

​Consumers choose from one of nine career tracks offered​ at the Perkins Center and spend approximately three months in Job Readiness Training before transitioning into a skill training program.

Instructional Features
 Hands-on Instruction